Ideas that inspired us
An age-old rice irrigation system called the Subak system supported by agro-forest landscapes and, kept alive by adherence to Balinese spiritual value system called ….
An ancient forest – rice farm symbiotic systems exist in the Cordillera of the Philippines (see more discussion under the theme on Heritage and Wellness
The principles that we learn from the remaining pockets of Traditional agroforestry systems also help inspire recent ASEAN efforts to spread the adoption of agroforestry in the region.
Remarkable Communities
Upland communities practicing the subak system in Bali. …,
Upland communities in Lampung Sumatra, Jave and Kalimantan
Ifugao rice terrace farmers in Cordillera
Enabling Projects
IFAD – ICRAF Technical and Institution innovations project,
Dynamic Conservation Project
ASEAN Social Forestry Network and the ASEAN SDC Social Forestry and Climate change Project,
USAID RDMA Agrobiodiversity review
SLM Ph project
Thought leaders and fellow travelers
The case of the Subak system and the Ifugao Terrace system also involve stories of land use change driven by eternal drivers- tourism and cash commodity monoculture
Agroforestry of past has the principles to guie modern agroforestry
But current agric governance in most of ASEAN- many unplan farmers, commodity driven agriculture
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